In der besten Gegend im Zentrum von Barcelona gelegen, ist das Hotel Casa Fuster G.L. das einzige Gebäude im Paseo de Gracia, das einen so wundervollen Blick über die Straße und vor allem über die ganze Stadt bietet! Das originale Innenraumdesign des 1908 erbauten, modernistischen Gebäudes von Lluis Domenech y Montaner wurde durch die Renovierungsarbeiten nicht nur respektiert, sondern erst richtig zur Geltung gebracht. Die Arbeiten des berühmten Architekten L. D. y Montaner sind mittlerweile Teil des Weltkulturerbes. Die Zimmer sind in warmen, natürlichen Farben eingerichtet: grün, stein- und schokoladenfarben, so dass eine friedliche und harmonische Stimmung entsteht und die großen Fenster spenden jede Menge Licht. Die Inneneinrichtung mit exklusivem Design zeichnet sich durch harmonische Linien, edle Materialien und Farben aus. Alle Zimmer sind mit Minibar, WLAN, Badezimmer und Musik ausgestattet.
Würden Sie dieses Hotel empfehlen?
Bewertungen nach Thema
November/2018 Jemand aus PARIS meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Mr. Silve, We appreciate your comments regarding your stay at Hotel Casa Fuster. It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. I will share your comments with our team, who I am certain will be encouraged by your remarks. As a member of The Leading Hotels of the World, the hotel continuously strives to meet your needs and expectation. Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we look forward to serving you in the future. Sincerely, Nuria Tusell - Guest Relations"
November/2018 Jemand aus Nyc meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Ms. Kushner, It is always a pleasure to receive positive comments and we truly appreciate you taking the time to send this to us. I personally will make sure our staff receives your compliments. We are very pleased to know that you enjoyed your stay with us, and we hope to be able to welcome you again in the future. Kind regards, Nuria Tusell - Guest Relations"
November/2018 Jemand aus Canada meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Ms. Cooley, Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your stay at Hotel Casa Fuster. I am sorry that your experience did not meet your expectations; please allow me to express my sincerest apologies. It is fulfilling to receive such a nice comments about our staff from Housekeeping, also about our great location, we are conveniently close to shopping areas, dining, and attractions. We highly appreciate your interest in helping us improve the quality of our our facilities, and we have taken good note about the needed in-room soundproofing. We appreciate the time you took to share your concerns, and it is our hope that you will give us the opportunity to better serve you in the future. Sincerely, Nuria Tusell - Guest Relations"
November/2018 Jemand aus New York, USA meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Mr. Sharfstein, Thank you so much for taking the time to review your stay with us. We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your time with us. We will be sure to pass your kind words along to Anna, whom I am certain will be encourage by your remarks! Thank you for bringing the noise matter to our attention, in order to make the necessary repairs. We look forward to welcoming you back to Casa Fuster soon! Warm Regards, Nuria Tusell - Guest Relations "
November/2018 Jemand aus Madrid meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Apreciada Sra. Briales, Le agradezco sinceramente el haber tomado el tiempo de compartir su opinión en relación a su reciente estancia con nosotros. Apreciamos escuchar los comentarios de nuestros clientes porque son esenciales para seguir mejorando nuestras instalaciones, por lo tanto me disculpo por tener ubicados en el montacargas los carros de limpieza. Me complace leer que le ha gustado la ubicación muy céntrica del hotel y en general el servicio recibido por nuestro equipo. Espero poder darle de nuevo la bienvenida a nuestro hotel muy pronto. Atentamente, Nuria Tusell - Guest Relations"
November/2018 Jemand aus United States meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Ms. Scott, We highly appreciate your comments and we are very pleased you enjoyed your stay with us. Thank you for taking the time to write to us, it is fulfilling to receive such wonderful comments. We hope to be able to welcome you again in the future. Best regards from Barcelona, Nuria Tusell - Guest Relations"
November/2018 Jemand aus United States meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Mr. Baird, Thank you so much for taking the time to review your stay with us. We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your time here with us. Thank your for mentioning our beautiful Jazz session, that takes place every Thursday night at our Cafe Vienes lobby Bar. We are very happy to hear you enjoyed our facilities and the amazing superior room you stayed in. We will pass your kind words to our staff, I am sure they will be encourage by your remarks! Please allow me to apologized for the inconvenience at our Galaxo Restaurant and Room Service, please note that we work every day to improve our service. We look forward to welcoming you back to Casa Fuster soon! Warm Regards, Nuria Tusell - Guest Relations"
Oktober/2018 Jemand aus USA meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Ms. Kaftan, Dear guest, Thank you kindly for your review! It is such a pleasure to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us! Our location is conveniently close to shopping areas, dining, and attractions making it a prime destination. We are highly looking forward to your next visit to Barcelona and we hope to see you again soon! Warmest Regards, Nuria Tusell - Guest Relations"
Oktober/2018 Jemand aus Düsseldorf meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Mr. Kucharski, Thank you kindly for your review! It is such a pleasure to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us! Our location is conveniently close to shopping areas, dining, and attractions making it a prime destination. Please allow me to apologized for the inconvenient caused with our front desk staff and their advise for ticketing, this information help us improve our service. We are highly looking forward to your next visit to Barcelona and we hope to see you again soon! Warmest Regards, Nuria Tusell. Guest Relations"
Oktober/2018 Jemand aus Brazil meint:
Hotel Antwort:
"Dear Mr, Gaudencio, We highly appreciate your comments and we are very pleased you enjoyed your stay with us. Rest assured that we take your feedback very seriously and will use it proactively to continue improving our facilities and service. We hope to be able to welcome you again in the future. Best regards from Barcelona. Patricia Martin - Guest Relations"