Home > Europe > Italy > Veneto (Region) > Venice (Province)
449 hotels found
in Venice (Province)
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40€ ~ 250€per night
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49€ ~ 350€per night
74€ ~ 182€per night
100€ ~ 480€per night
60€ ~ 250€per night
120€ ~ 302.39€per night
127€ ~ 633€per night
70€ ~ 180€per night
60€ ~ 420€per night
50€ ~ 210€per night
108€ ~ 138€per night
36€ ~ 116€per night
70€ ~ 90€per night
46.5€ ~ 122€per night
55€ ~ 298€per night
95€ ~ 296€per night
70€ ~ 200€per night
66€ ~ 126€per night
50€ ~ 180€per night
Lista di Spagna, 154 (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 041716679
Fax: +(39) 041716421
Lista di Spagna, 152 (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 041715066
Fax: +(39) 041715611
Lista di Spagna, 130 (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 041716231
Fax: +(39) 0412750973
Via Gorizia 8 A (30017) - Iesolo (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421372848
Fax: +(39) 0421373344
San Marco 4402 (30124) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412410719
Fax: +(39) 0415287949
Calle Priuli dei Cavaletti 103-Cannaregio (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 041715254
Fax: +(39) 041715433
Via Padova, 79 (30017) - Iesolo (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421371100
Fax: +(39) 0421371589
Dorsoduro 979/A (30123) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412401411
Fax: +(39) 0412771061
Cannaregio 5885 (30131) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415228028
Fax: +(39) 0415239243
P.Le Santa Maria Elisabetta 1 (30126) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412760486
Fax: +(39) 0412769805
Calle Ormesini 1506 E (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415236675
Fax: +(39) 041715680
Via Fausta, 270 (30013) - Cavallino-Treporti (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 041968043
Fax: +(39) 0415370355
Via Gorizia 14 (30017) - Iesolo (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421972017
Fax: +(39) 0421370697
Piazzetta Rialto,1 (30021) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421299103
Fax: +(39) 0421299132
Via Calamari 6 (30021) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421211728
Fax: +(39) 0421217183
Campo Ss. Filippo E Giacomo, Castello 4765 (30122) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415286127
Fax: +(39) 0415232765
VIA P. MASCAGNI 2 (30017) - Iesolo (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421971515
Fax: +(39) 0421971517
Via Bafile 203 (30017) - Iesolo (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421380120
Fax: +(39) 0421380541
Aquileia 185 (30017) - Iesolo (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421370280
Fax: +(39) 0421371754
Via Sernaglia 21 (30175) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 041929355
Fax: +(39) 041930983