Home > Europe > Italy > Veneto (Region) > Venice (Province)
449 hotels found
in Venice (Province)
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44€ ~ 118€per night
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70€ ~ 170€per night
150€ ~ 730€per night
78€ ~ 153€per night
35€ ~ 210€per night
86€ ~ 130€per night
30€ ~ 129€per night
160€ ~ 495€per night
80€ ~ 235€per night
80€ ~ 270€per night
90€ ~ 380€per night
75€ ~ 598€per night
69€ ~ 250€per night
70€ ~ 283.33€per night
100€per night
70€ ~ 325€per night
31€ ~ 113€per night
150€ ~ 220€per night
110€ ~ 490€per night
45€ ~ 200€per night
Via Luigi Coletti, 6 (30175) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 041921655
Fax: +(39) 041921931
Campo San Filippo e Giacomo, Castello 4370 (30122) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412777847
Fax: +(39) 0412775939
Fondamenta San Biagio 812 / 814 (30133) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412411450
Fax: +(39) 0412419077
Corso Chiggiato 60 (30021) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421280314
Fax: +(39) 0421213333
Dorsoduro 896 (30123) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415287374
Fax: +(39) 0415280043
Padova 29 (30017) - Iesolo (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421371230
Fax: +(39) 0421370932
Cannaregio 265 (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 041715333
Fax: +(39) 041715114
Cannaregio - Calle Priuli 4011 (30131) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412413784
Fax: +(39) 0415212236
Orlanda 182 (30030) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415420022
Fax: +(39) 041901677
S.Croce 239 (30135) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412204000
Fax: +(39) 0412204040
Lista di Spagna 227 (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412206000
Calle Casselleria - Castello 5285 (30125) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415212327
Fax: +(39) 0412413991
Via Triestina 153 (30030) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415416826
Fax: +(39) 0415416637
Venezia Centro Storico (30124) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415234577
Fax: +(39) 0412771135
Via Bafile XVIII Accesso (30017) - Iesolo (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0421370563
Fax: +(39) 0421371563
Calle Dei Fabbri 909 (30124) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415238144
Fax: +(39) 0412771005
Riviera Del Brenta 169 (30032) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415161500
Fax: +(39) 0415161212
S. Croce, 927 (30135) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412750047
Fax: +(39) 0412448721
Cannaregio 2400 (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0412750125
Fax: +(39) 0412750543
Calle Priuli dei Cavalletti 99/D (30121) - Venice (Italy)
Phone: +(39) 0415245274
Fax: +(39) 041720916